Position: Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Private PracticeDate: November 2014 – Current
Position: Psychologist II, Clinical Lead, Rocky Mountain Program, AHS Institution: Calgary Correctional Centre (CCC)Date: September 2016 – Current Department: Forensic Assessment and Outpatient Services
Position: Psychologist II, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Institution: Peter Lougheed Centre/Sunridge Professional Centre, AHSDate: September 2003 – Current Department: Forensic Assessment and Outpatient Services
Position: Psychologist II, Clinical Psychologist Institution: Canmore Mental Health, AHSDate: September 2007 – September 2008 Department: Bow Valley Mental Health and Addiction Services
Position: Psychologist II, Clinical Psychologist Institution: Health on 12th, AHSDate: September 2004 – September 2005Department: Outpatient Mental Health
Position: Clinical Psychology InternInstitution: Alberta Health ServicesDate: September 2002 – August 2003Rotation: Individual CBT/Psychological Assessment/Group Psychotherapy/Forensics
2006 Clinical Supervisor (University of Calgary, Clinical Psychology, Practicum Student)2009 Clinical Supervisor (University of Calgary, Clinical Psychology, Practicum Student)2011 Clinical Supervisor (University of Regina, Clinical Psychology, Practicum Student)2011 Clinical Supervisor (Calgary Clinical Psychology Resident)2012 Clinical Supervisor (Fielding Graduate University, Clinical Psychology, Practicum)
2005 - Current Trainer and Clinical Supervisor for multidisciplinary professionals (Psychiatrist, Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologists, and Students) involved in the CBT Basics group therapy program for anxiety and depression.
2017-Current Rocky Mountain Program (in-patient sexual offending program), Clinical Lead
2008-Current Research co-supervisor for University of Calgary students affiliated with the CBT Basics project.
2018-Current Research Supervisor for Rocky Mountain Program staff in relation to the long-term project: ‘Evaluating of the Rocky Mountain Program (RMP): A strengths-based sexual offending program for provincially incarcerated inmates.

September 2000 – August 2003 Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta September 1998 – August 2001 Master of Science, Clinical Psychology University of Calgary, Calgary, AlbertaSeptember 1994 – April 1998 Honours Bachelor of Science, Psychology Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATION
Registered Psychologist, College of Alberta Psychologists, Certificate #: 2967
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)
2002 Instructor, Psychology 481 (Abnormal Psychology)2001–2003 Diagnostic Interviewer: administered 40 Structured Clinical Interviews for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I)2001 Guest Lecturer, Psychology 481 (Abnormal Psychology)2000–2001 Researcher: Foothills Medical Centre gambling research proposal2000 Teaching Assistant, Psychology 485 (Behaviour Modification)1999 Teaching Assistant, Psychology 483 (Clinical Psychology)2001 Guest Lecturer, Psychology 481 (Abnormal Psychology)
2004 Certificate of Academic Excellence – Doctoral Thesis, University of Calgary. Canadian Psychological Association.2001-2004 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) – Doctoral Fellowship2001–2003 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) – Studentship Award2000 –2001 Province of Alberta Graduate Scholarship (PAGS)1998 –2000 Graduate Research Scholarship (GRS), University of Calgary

Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta – Community Health Committee ProjectHamilton, K. (approved May 1, 2020). Evaluation of the Rocky Mountain Program (RMP): A strength-based sexual offending program for provincially incarcerated inmates. HREBA.CHC-17-0065.
Backs-Dermott, B. Hamilton, K. Macrodimitris, S. Mothersill, K., Garinger, J., Luu, M., Wershler, J., & Ching, L. (Fall 2012). Transdiagnostic Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: An Efficacious and Cost-Effective Method Across Diverse Populations. Psynopsis: Innovations in Psychological Health Service Delivery, Canadian Psychological Association.
Hamilton K., Wershler J., Macrodimitris S., Backs-Dermott B., Mothersill K., & Ching L. Exploring the effectiveness of a mixed-diagnosis cognitive behavioral group (CBT) intervention across diverse populations. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 19, 472-482.
Macrodimitris S., Wershler J., Hatfield M., Hamilton K., Backs-Dermott B., Mothersill K., Baxter C., & Wiebe S. (2011). Group cognitive behavioural therapy (GCBT) for patients with epilepsy and co-morbid depression and anxiety. Epilepsy and Behavior, 20, 83-88.
Macrodimitris S.D., Hamilton K.E., Backs-Dermott B.J., & Mothersill K.J. (2010). CBT Basics: A group approach to teaching fundamental cognitive-behavioral skills. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 24(2),132-146.
Dobson, K. S., & Hamilton, K. (2003). Cognitive restructuring. In W. O’Donohue, J. E. Fisher, & S. C. Hayes (Eds.), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Applying Empirically Supported Techniques in Your Practice.
Hamilton, K.E. (2003). Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression: Accessibility of Information Processing Biases in Remitted Depression. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
Hamilton, K. E., & Dobson, K. S. (2002). Cognitive therapy for depression: Pre-treatment patient predictors of outcome. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 875-894.
Dobson, K. S., & Hamilton, K. E. (2002). The stage model for psychotherapy manual development: A valuable tool for promoting evidence based practice. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9, 407-409.
Hamilton, K. E., & Dobson, K. S. (2001). Empirically supported treatments in psychology: Implications for international dissemination. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 1, 35-51.
Hamilton, K. E., & Dobson, K. S. (2001). Cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression. In S. G. Hofmann, & M. C. Tompson (Eds.), Handbook of psychosocial treatments for severe mental disorders. New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.
Hamilton, K. E., Marshall, W. L., & Fernandez, Y. (2001). Empathy deficits and cognitive distortions in male child molesters. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 13, 123-131.
Hamilton, K. (March 16, 2021). CSEM Offenders: Risk Assessment and Treatment Considerations. Webinar presented to Forensic Psychologists, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hamilton, K. (February 26, 2021). Child Sexual Abuse Material Offender Management: Overview and Best Practices. Webinar presented to Correctional Services Canada (CSC), Edmonton, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. (2021, January). CSEM Offender Management. Webinar presented to the Alberta Criminal Justice Association (ACJA), Calgary, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. (2020, December). Online Offending. Webinar presented to the Alberta Criminal Justice Association (ACJA), Calgary, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. (2020, October). Best Practices for Managing Child Sexual Exploitation Offenders. Webinar presented at the annual Forensic Training Conference, Auckland New Zealand.
Hamilton, K. & Dooley, K. (2019, October). Do ACEs impact emotion regulation, interpersonal functioning, and problems solving. Poster presented at the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Hamilton, K. & Dooley, K. (2019, October). Evaluating Treatment Gains in the Rocky Mountain Program. Poster presented at the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hamilton, K. (2019, September). The Rocky Mountain Program: A Strengths-Based Sexual Offending Program. Symposium at the Alberta Correctional Education Association (ACEA) annual conference, Banff, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. (2019, April). Best Practices in working with Developmentally Delayed Sexual Offenders. Symposium at the Susan Carpenter Education Day for Developmental Disabilities Mental Health, Calgary, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. (2018-current). Sexual Offender Management Series. RMP monthly Grand Rounds at the Calgary Correctional Centre, Calgary, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. (May, 2017). Sexual Offender Management. Symposium at the Calgary Correctional Centre, Calgary, Alberta.
Hamilton, K. Sexual Offender Risk Management presentation for the Calgary Police Service - Behavioural Analysis Unit and High Risk Offender Program, AB, April 22, 2013.
Hamilton, K. & Baxter, C. Tele-health presentation for the Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Seminar Series: Sexual Offender Management, Alberta Health Services, AB, February 17, 2013.
Hamilton, K. & Baxter, C. Tele-health Continuing Professional Development Seminar: Sexual Offender Management, Alberta Health Services, AB, February 16, 2013.
Mothersill, K., Backs-Dermott, B., & Hamilton, K. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Tele-health presentation for Practice-Wise, Alberta Health Services, AB, April 2012.
Mothersill, K., Backs-Dermott, B., & Hamilton, K. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Tele-health presentation for Practice-Wise, Alberta Health Services, AB, April 2012.
Hamilton, K., Backs-Dermott, B., & Mothersill, K. CBT Basics. Information session provided to CBT Basics providers and AHS managers. Sheldon Chumir Health Centre, AB, January 2012.
Wershler, J. L., Backs-Dermott, B. J., Macrodimitris, S. D., Hamilton, K. E., & Mothersill, K. J. (2011). The implementation of a cognitive behavioral therapy group for depression and anxiety across diverse clinical populations. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Conference, Toronto, ON, May 5-7.
Mothersill, K. J., Ching, L., Backs-Dermott, B., Macrodimitris, S., & Hamilton, K. (2011). The development and implementation of a six-session cognitive behavioural therapy psychoeducation group for patients awaiting individual therapy. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Conference, Toronto, ON, May 5-7.
Backs-Dermott, B. J., Mothersill, K. J., Macrodimitris, S. D., & Hamilton, K. E. (2010). A pilot study of readiness to engage in psychotherapy: The role of a pre-therapy cognitive-behavioural group. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies 44th Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, November 18-21.
Wershler, J. L., Macrodimitris, S. D., Hamilton, K. E., Ching, L. E., Backs-Dermott, B. J., & Mothersill, K. J. (2010). Exploring the effectiveness of a mixed-diagnosis group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention across diverse populations. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Students’ Union Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, November 25.
Macrodimitris, S., Wershler, J., Hatfield, M., Hamilton, K., Backs-Dermott, B., Mothersill, K., Baxter, C., & Wiebe, S. (2010). Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Patients with Epilepsy and Co-morbid Depression and Anxiety. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Students’ Union Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, November 25.
Backs-Dermott, B.J., Mothersill, K.J., Makrodimitris, S.D., & Hamilton, K.E. (2009, November). A Group approach to teaching core cognitive-behavioural skills in a mixed-diagnostic group. Poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies 43rd Annual Convention, New York City.
Cribbie, R., Backs-Dermott, B., Arpin-Cribbie, C., Hamilton, K., Macrodimitris, S., & Mothersill, K. (2009, June). Assessing clinical significance: New approaches employing equivalence testing. Poster accepted for presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Montreal.  Hamilton, K., Macrodimitris, S., Backs-Dermott, B., Mothersill, K., & Baxter, C. (2008, October). CBT Basics II: A Non-Syndrome Specific Group Therapy Program. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association, Kananaskis, Alberta.
Macrodimitris, S., Hatfield, M., Hamilton, K., Backs-Dermott., Mothersill, K., Baxter, C., Wiebe, S. (2007, December). Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for patients with epilepsy and co-morbid depression or anxiety. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, Washington.
Hamilton, K.E. (2007, February). CBT in a Forensic Setting. Telemental health presentation at the Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services.
Macrodimitris, S., Hamilton, K., & Back-Dermott, B. (2006, June). Using a group format to teach patients fundamental cognitive-behavioural skills. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, Alberta.
Hamilton, K.E. & Macrodimitris, S. (2006, April). Using Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Interventions to Manage Negative Emotions. Guest Speaker at the annual SAFPS Continuing Professional Development Conference.
Hamilton, K. E., & Macrodimitris, S. (2005, November). CBT Basics: An innovative program for teaching patients fundamental cognitive-behavioural skills. Poster presented at the Mental Health Research Showcase, Alberta Mental Health Board, Banff, Alberta.
Macrodimitris, S. & Hamilton, K. (2005, September). CBT Basics I: A non-syndrome-specific group therapy program designed to introduce fundamental CBT skills. Workshop presented to the Outpatient Mental Health Program CBT subgroup, Health on 12th.
Hamilton, K.E. (2005, January). Schema Therapy. Presentation at a SAFPS Continuing Professional Development (CPD) meeting.
Hamilton, K.E. (2006, February). Group CBT: Theory and Rationale. Telemental health presentation at the Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services.
Hamilton, K.E. (2004, December). Schema Therapy. Telemental health presentation at the Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services.
Hamilton, K.E (2003, June). Cognitive processes in depression. Symposium at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, Ontario.
Hamilton, K. E., & Dobson, K. S. (2000, September). Mood and cognition. Poster session presented at the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, Granada Spain.
Hamilton, K. E., & Dobson, K. S., (2000, July). Mood and cognition in depression. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Hamilton, K. E., Marshall, W. L., & Fernandez, Y. (1999, May). Empathy deficits and cognitive distortions in male child molesters. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
May 2021 - 2-day Intensive Training: Cognitive Processing Therapy: An Evidence-Based Approach to Treat PTSD and Related Conditions.
April 2021. 14th Annual Virtual Risk and Recovery Forensic Conference sponsored by McMaster University and St. Joseph’s Healthcare.
April 2021. The Science and Wisdom of Emotions Summit. The Awake Network.January 2021. The Compassion in Therapy Summit. The Awake Network.
2018-present. National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICAMB) online training courses: Advance Trauma; Depression; Anxiety; Abandonment; Anger; Self-Compassion; Mindfulness.
October 2020. The 39th Annual Research and Treatment Conference sponsored by the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
October 2019. The 38th Annual Research and Treatment Conference sponsored by the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers held in Atlanta Georgia.
October 2018. The 37th Annual Research and Treatment Conference sponsored by the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers held in Vancouver British Columbia.  DiClemente, C. (April, 2013). The Challenge of Intentional Behavior Change: Understanding the Process, Tasks, and Context of Change. Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services annual workshop.
Marshall, W., & Marshall, L. (October 1 – 5, 2012). Training for Therapists Working with Sexual Offenders. Rockwood Psychological Services, Kingston, Ontario.
Meichenbaum, D. (2012, April). Ways to Bolster Resilience: A Life-Span Perspective. Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services annual workshop.
Church, E. (November, 2012). Enhancing Competencies in Clinical Supervision. UBC Psychology Clinic.
Doidge, N. (November, 2011). The Brain that Changes Itself. The Neuroplasticity Revolution for the Helping Professions. Jack Hirose workshops in mental health.
Dutton, D. (April, 2009). The Abusive Personality. Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services annual workshop.
Cameron, J. K. (April, 2008). Understanding School Shootings: Assessing Violence Potential in Adolescent and Young Adults. Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services annual workshop.
Meichenbaum, D. (November, 2005). Healing and Treating Trauma and Violence. Jack Hirose workshops in mental health.
Hart, S. (October, 2005). Assessment of Psychopathy: An Overview of the Hare Scales. American Academy of Forensic Psychology.
Schlesinger, L. (October, 2005). Psychopathology of Homicide. American Academy of Forensic Psychology.
Frederick, R. (October, 2005). Comprehensive Assessment of Malingering in Forensic Settings. American Academy of Forensic Psychology.
McWilliams, N. (September, 2005). Character Pathologies of Problematic Attachment: Depressive, Masochistic, Narcissistic, and Psychopathic Styles and their Clinical Implications. Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary.
Resnick, R. (September, 2005). Risk Assessment of Violence. Executive Links.
Minkoff, K. (June, 2005). Dual Diagnosis: An Integrated Model for the Treatment of People with Co-Occuring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders. Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services annual workshop.
Webster, C. ((February, 2004). Adult Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management. Calgary Health Region workshop.
Zaretsky, A. (May, 2004). Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders. Southern Alberta Forensic Psychiatry Services 2-day workshop.