Online Therapy

for Alberta residents

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Therapy from the comfort of home...

Online therapy is ideal for individuals seeking professional support from the comfort of their home, and those wanting to avoid the time and cost of travelling to a therapist's office.
I offer online individual therapy for a wide range of presenting concerns, including: depression, anxiety (e.g, chronic worry, panic/agoraphobia, social anxiety, phobias), obsessive-compulsive problems, trauma and stress-related problems, and low self-esteem. I also help individuals struggling with acute and/or chronic interpersonal difficulties (e.g., non-assertive, insecure attachment pattern, fear of intimacy).
To participate in online therapy, clients require high speed internet, a webcam, and the Zoom videoconferencing app. Please note that my online therapy service is available to Alberta residents only.
Standard psychotherapy guidelines pertaining to confidentiality apply to online therapy. Zoom implements a variety of physical, technical, and administrative safeguards - including encryption techniques - which aim to protect the confidentiality of video conferencing.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, providing psychotherapy via videoconferencing has become routine. Importantly, there is a growing body of empirical literature supporting the efficacy of online psychotherapy for a wide range of presenting concerns.

My fee for online therapy is $225/hour, as per the Psychologists' Association of Alberta recommended fee guidelines. Payment is collected at the time of your appointment, via an automated payment system. Cancellations within 24-hours will be charged $100. Fees for registered psychologists are often partially covered by private or company insurance plans. Fees for psychological services are tax deductible as a medical expense.